Terms and Conditions

Course Enrolment Information

Enrolment Checklist

Before licence candidates participate in a course or program they must agree to and follow the below conditions:

Provide the required identification materials necessary to obtain a marine licence.

Have read the North Shore Marine Training refund policy, payment policy, privacy policy, licence candidate responsibilities & conduct, and grievance procedure.

Have the required skills in numeracy and literacy to participate in the course or advise the BTP if assistance is required.

Notify management if they require any special assistance to participate in the practical or theory components of the course.

Licence Candidate Responsibilities and Conduct

North Shore Marine Training requires all students to:

Conduct themselves in an acceptable manner during their studies, interaction with North Shore Marine Training’s staff and other licence candidates.

Not to engage in any discriminatory or illegal behaviour of any type during the course.

Not be under the influence of illegal substances or alcohol when attending course programs.

Ensure all information supplied to North Shore Marine Training is accurate.

Not submit work that they claim as their own that is gained from another source or person. Notify North Shore Marine Training of any change to enrolment information and contact details.